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Vinyasa Deepen your Practice Workshop - with Terri Anne

Saturday 11th May 2024

11.00 - 14.00

This workshop is perfect for people who have a regular Vinyasa Yoga practice. We’ll be focusing on poses that will challenge you and allow you to deepen your Yoga practise. We will look at specific poses and learn how to build on your existing knowledge of them. 

Some examples of this are;

Moving into a bind from extended warrior. This workshop is perfect if this is something you struggle with.
From a bind, we will move onto looking at how to come into Bird of Paradise.

The Vinyasa itself, how to move ourselves safely into chaturanga (low plank) to deepen the practice (an uplevel to bringing the knees down).  We will also look at floating one leg whilst moving through the vinyasa.

We will be looking at bringing ourselves into dolphin pose from downward dog and stepping through from there into a high lunge.

Crow pose as an arm balance and half moon as a standing balance.

Many more, depending on what the group desire.

We will be, of course be practicing how to get into these poses but also looking at our alignment and making sure that we are practising each pose safely and therefore enjoying the benefits.

This workshop is a great was to uplevel, challenge yourself and cultivate your practise.

We will begin the workshop with a 45min vinyasa flow to warm us up, before we begin to look at the different poses.

A nutritious lunch will be provided by Cafe Earth, Hexham.

Summer Solstice Yoga Mala

Friday 21st June 2024

17.30 - 20.30

108 Sun Salutations to music followed by delicious picnic style food from Cafe Earth. 

Celebrate the energy of the longest day with a Yoga Mala. 108 Sun Salutations.

We will begin with a short meditation and warm- up before starting the mala.

There will be options during the mala to rest or take a 1/2 sun salutation if needed, so please don't worry.

We will complete the mala in sets with a resting pose and short meditation in between.

You will then be taken through a cool down and a long nourishing savasana to finish. 

You will need:

a small towel as it can get sweaty.

A bottle of water. 

Don't eat too close to the mala but make sure you have eaten plenty during the day to fuel you.

Shamanic Sound Ceremony with Andrew Lovell

Saturday 22nd June 2024

19.00 - 20.30

Join Andrew Lovell for an immersive sound experience; bathing in therapeutic sounds, and the powerful vibrations of the gong to release energy blockages and reinvigorate being.

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